Gurubodha 39: Kashayam advantage | Oil Combos | Troubles of Making Oils | Cooking Oil Controversy

Gurubodha 39: Kashayam advantage | Oil Combos | Troubles of Making Oils | Cooking Oil Controversy

00:00 Advantages Of Kashaya
01:19 Single Herbs Vs Polyherbal Combinations
04:19 How to Have Own Line Of Products?
06:16 Preparing Own Facial Oils
10:41 Milk In Preparing Oils
12:09 Best Oil For Face Massage
13:44 Is Sunflower Oil Used In Preperation Of Medicinal Oils?
16:08 Eladi Taila Vs Nalpamaradi Taila For Glowing Skin
22:09 Alternative For Baby Formula Milk
23:57 Can Oil be Applied On Face For Oily Skin People
24:30 When To Start Gruel For Infants?
25:55 Can Sesame Oil Be Used In Cooking?
29:42 Alternative For Breastmilk
30:09 Using Olive Oil 

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